Conveniently search, verify, and share your findings. Please note that the VERIFY TOOL currently supports verification of content from limited publications.

Verifying Image Files


Upload the image file you want to verify. The supported file formats are .jpeg, .png, .avif, and .webp.


The VERIFY TOOL will search our database for a matching image.


If a match is found, the VERIFY TOOL will display the result.

Verifying Article Links


Enter the article's link and click Search.


The VERIFY TOOL will search the database for a relevant article published to the Content Graph.


If a match is found, the VERIFY TOOL will display the result.

The VERIFY TOOL allows users to authenticate ownership of content published to the VERIFY's Content Graph, where content is hashed and cryptographically signed, binding it to its verified owner.

NOTE: This tool is in Beta and not feature complete. There may be some delays between publish and verification status. We look forward to your feedback.